A Tale of Two Nations

A Nation Divided

Our nation was rudely awakened from our complacency on September 11, 2001 following the destruction of the World Trade Center and the loss of approximately 3,000 American lives. As a nation, we rallied with our support and faithfully followed our leaders into war, overlooking the vast discrepancies surrounding the collapse of the World Trade Center and the continuous absence of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

In the wake of the chaos in New York City, we were stunned to learn of the admissions of business leaders, who had violated their fiduciary responsibilities, placing personal gain ahead of investors or the nation’s security.

A promise of “Hope for Change” was in the air as our nation’s first ethnically diverse candidate became the President of the United States. Sadly, it soon became evident that it had been another false promise. We witnessed the selling out of America as our leaders negotiated the offshoring of our manufacturing and technology patents and ideas.  We watched as our leaders became wealthy from their inside perks and connections and were horrified to learn of a sophisticated  “Pay to Play” scheme that funneled millions upon millions of dollars to a former President’s charitable organization for humanitarian relief that was never delivered.

In 2016, America experienced a revolution as a new President was elected under a promise to “Make America Great Again.” America has become a nation divided and it has become a “Tale of Two Nations,” which seemingly appear to be diametrically opposed to each other - one side looking to rekindle our historical values and perspective and the other looking to rewrite the American experience.

There is no doubt about this, We are at war and in one of the most divisive battles that there has ever been.


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