The Recruit

An urgent message for all…

This story is a fictional sci-fi that has been based on movements that started the moment our country was born. Brilliant and God-inspired men came together to form a government based on the idea that all men are endowed with supernal rights. Every human being is entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of his or her happiness—meaning we have ability to own whatever we acquire legally. No one is subject to anyone but the Creator. And our form of government, having been created by the People, is subject to the People. - A creation is always and forever subject to it’s creator.

The ideas contained within its pages are so relevant today that this had to be offered now, as far before the election in November as possible. It is a key to grasping the impact of dark forces shaping our national and global reality.

The Recruit was written to expose these forces and their tactics, and show how they thrive in today’s calamitous world.


The Recruit Cover299x448.png

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