Escape To Faith And Freedom

The Birthright Covenant Book 1

C.A. DAVIDSON grew up during the Cold War era, so she writes about the deadly assault on the Judeo- Christian culture that she has seen for herself. Her deep love of faith, family, and freedom has inspired the creation of the Birthright Covenant trilogy. Her mission is to help parents recapture, restore and transmit the biblical values that are heart and soul of Western Civilization, and that are key to the very survival of liberty for rising and future generations. 


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“Whether or not you follow religion shouldn't change the way you feel towards this book. The story and plot come together well. The characters are relatable and are also very strong assets to this book. Usually I am left wanting more of a character depth within a book but never felt that way here. I never felt like there were parts missing from the story either. At the end of the day, this was a very good book indeed!!"

— H.H.